Big person info

Don’t just take our word for it. Come and visit us and see for yourself that Ohaeawai Community Preschool and Early Learning Centre is an exceptional place for your little one to be. We will not pretend that we are a home away from home. Only their own home can be home. But we sure provide a place that FEELS like home. A warm place filled with heart.

We are open every weekday from 8.00am till 4.30 pm, except for public holidays and between Christmas and New Year when we are closed. Your child will bring their own lunch but we will provide morning and afternoon tea, which we prepare with the children as part of our curriculum of life.

The days can be very long for your little one. We are committed to giving your child the tender care they need for their little heart.

For all the big person info, download our info sheet here. It will give you all the details about times, days, fees. Alternatively you can call us on 09-405 9779 and speak to one of us. We love to hear from you.

We offer 20 Hours ECE, and you can apply for the government family subsidy.

Leaving your little one in the care of someone else is one of the most important decisions you will make for your child. Make sure it’s an informed choice. I am thrilled to help you with that.

Contact us and I will make sure I can free myself up to give you all the time you need to make an informed choice. In the meantime I invite you to take a virtual tour around our beautiful place, the best place to be. ❤️

With heart,

Liz Owen
centre manager, owner and keeper of the magic stick
